Supermarket Scorecard
We scored the biggest U.S. supermarkets on their actions to reduce emissions of super pollutant hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Each company is scored on actions in three categories of technology adoption, refrigerant management, and policy & commitments. For more information, visit our scorecard FAQ page.
Call to Action
Given the significant global warming impact of HFCs, EIA is calling for all supermarkets to:
Develop a strategy to fully phase out all HFCs in refrigeration within this decade.
Immediately use only HFC‑free refrigeration in all new builds and major retrofits.
Reduce corporate average refrigerant leak rates below 10% and publish progress towards this goal.
Make public commitments or goals to reduce HFC use and emissions and proactively engage with stakeholders in industry and policy settings.
Reduce the overall climate footprint of their cooling including through energy efficiency measures and easy-but-impactful steps like adding doors or night shades to open cases, upgrading to LED lighting, and reducing leaks.
Enhance transparency by regularly publishing information quantifying current refrigerant emissions, all actions taken to adopt technology, reduce leaks, increase efficiency, as well as stating measurable future commitments to reduce use and emissions.
Technology Adoption
Refrigerant Management
Policy & Commitments
ALDI emerges as a market leader scoring the highest overall points with over 300 HFC-free stores in operation. Continued increase in HFC-free stores, committing to use only HFC-free technologies in all new stores and remodels, and publicly sharing leak rates of high-GWP refrigerants would further improve their scores.