This map is a collection of submitted and publicly available data on supermarket refrigerant use and is not intended to be representative of the sector or any given company's HFC use or current uptake of HFC-free technologies. The map serves as a dynamic resource for concerned citizens to participate in further highlighting the issue of HFC refrigerant use in their local supermarkets, and an opportunity for companies to highlight their uptake of HFC-free technologies.
If you would like to investigate your store and add it to the map, follow these easy steps.
The data that power this map are collected by EIA, based on publicly available information, data submitted by companies or industry personnel, or where indicated, crowdsourced by citizen investigators. All crowdsourced data is categorized based on the best available information. A store is indicated as HFC-free if there are no HFCs in the central refrigeration system. Since refrigeration systems can use a combination of coolants, stores submitted by citizen investigators will not be marked as HFC-free unless confirmed by the company or industry experts. The map is continuously updated and store locations added as they become available.
This map was conceptualized and created by EIA. The code for this map was created by Bill Broderick and Ionatan Kuperwajs using mapbox-gl-js. It is licensed with a MIT license, and source code can be viewed on our github. Thanks for visiting!
Environmental Investigative Agency (EIA) is an independent non-profit campaigning organization dedicated to identifying, investigating, and implementing solutions to the world’s most pressing environmental problems.
ScAAN is a New York-based group of scientists who use their expertise in partnership with organizations that are creating positive social change.